So I’ve spent the last week looking at houses, and on the phone to iiNet, looking at how possible it would be to move into a new place..
So far not looking too good – I’d need at least a 3br house with large 2 car garage, or 4br house with small 2 car garage. – either way it ends up costing a HEAP more than here..
Plus while moving the ADSL to the new house wouldn’t be a *huge* issue (basically they migrate the DSL over, and just switch the account over to the new DSL when the new line is ready, so an hour or two of downtime at the most), it’d leave the guys here without internet for a week or two while they applied for their own DSL to replace the one I’d migrated..
At some prompting from a mutual friend last night, I ended up having a talk with josh, and it turns out that he and toby are moving out in a month or two anyway – they’re just saving up for cutlery/crockery, a washing machine, new lounge furniture, etc.. Josh seemed a bit relieved when I pointed out that there would be 1200 worth of his and toby’s share of the bond I’d be paying them if they were to shift out.. – would cover a good part of the bond on a new place (if not all of it..)
Went downstairs to tell Dave tonight, and it turns out that he’s also shifting.. So maybe I won’t end up needing to shift afterall..
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