Ok, after much pulling apart of antenna mounts, re-terminating cables etc… I thought to open up the remote probe on my Welz SP-425 SWR meter, as one of the N chassis-mount connectors was a bit loose.. And what do you know? Broken track! Fixed that up, and voila, the big Diamond SG-7900 ground-independant dual-bander sits at 1.5:1 on both bands! The Mobile One M270 dual-bander sits on 1.2:1 on VHF, but 2:1 on UHF – Probably because the ‘ground plane’ is a 1/4 wave length (on VHF) of S/S wire vertically below the antenna. So it technically doesn’t HAVE a ground plane on UHF..
But all good 🙂
Oh, and the TEV-1? Yep still as useless as ever! I’m eyeing off the big tree in the back corner of the yard, and investigating the park behind us for stringing up a dipole 🙂